The AC Power Smart Router has the embedded web application. This section explains how to connect the AC Power Smart Router to a Wi-Fi network and perform the initial setup.

Step 1: Connecting to Wi-Fi

  • Using a mobile device or PC, search for the Wi-Fi access point named: rbdimmer_xxx
  • Connect to this access point using the default password: rbdimmer. For security reasons, you can change the access point password later via the web interface.

Step 2: Wi-Fi Network Configuration

  • Open a web browser and go to:
  • Navigate to: Menu -> Wi-Fi Settings
  • Enter your Wi-Fi network credentials (SSID, password).The device will attempt to connect to your home Wi-Fi network.Upon successful connection, an IP address will be displayed. This is the device’s local IP address within your Wi-Fi network.The address may change after each router reboot unless a static IP is set.

Addition optonal settings:

  • Assigning a static IP address in your home Wi-Fi network.
  • Changing the access point password for added security.